Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why Is Oil & Gas Corruption Rarely Detected?

Over the next 20 years, it’s expected that oil production in California will increasing dramatically.  Yet many cities rich in oil and gas are home to some of the State's poorest people. How can this happen? Too often, wealth stays in the hands of politicians, industry insiders and local people. Revenues don’t get published and the surrounding community suffers as the quality of living goes down. Payments made to governments to exploit resources remain secret. Bribery and embezzlement go unchecked.

Many oil and gas companies protect the identities of their equity holders and subsidiaries. This allows corrupt leaders to hide stolen funds unnoticed. Inadequate financial statements make it easy to disguise corrupt deals, and impossible for any of us to monitor them. Many oil and gas companies don’t publish information by state and city. This allows them to hide the royalties, taxes and fees they pay. But without this information, we can’t hold governments to account for the money they receive.

The entire oil and gas industry spent on average $400,000 each day lobbying senators and representatives to weaken public health safeguards and keep big oil tax breaks, totaling nearly $150 million.

Stolen oil and gas income has terrible consequences and is widespread through the United States and World. It benefits an elite few. But for everyone else, it fuels conflict over resources and health and safety.  The solution?  Would you trust these people based on their track record?  Here is our list of suspicious E&B Natural Resources deals.  Submit your anonymous suspicious below under discussion . . .  
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