Sunday, May 26, 2013

Why Is E&B Natural Resources Calling It An "Oil Recovery" Project?

I would like to suggest to E&B management and the City of Hermosa Beach to stop misleading the residents by your faulty marketing vernacular "recovery".  Please read the definition of "recovery" because E&B does not own anything in this town.  We the residents of Hermosa Beach are smarter than 5th graders and think you should call your project what it is . . . oil drilling.

"Recovery" Definition: 
1) The action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost.
2) A return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. E&B owns nothing in this town.

Our town is healthy, strong and has been running the just fine without oil drilling for the last 30+ years.  E&B is assuming by their use of "recovery" that they own the oil underneath the City and Ocean.  This is faulty because the State owns it in a Tide Lands Trust.

Why are you so afraid to call it drilling?  Has oil drilling become a dirty word since you are doing it in such close proximity to schools, homes, parks and businesses?  Do you think you can secretly get away with installing 70 foot tall drilling rigs in our back yards that will stretch miles underground out into the ocean?

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