Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Slant Oil Drilling Cannot Be Done Safely Near Abandoned Oil Wells Under Homes & Schools

The Biggest Failure of Marine Research's EIR for Whittier Hills

Abandoned Oil Wells Can Blowout Under Homes
See Doggr

Marine Research EIR consultant (hired by Hermosa Beach City Council for $800,000) failed to analyze the safety impact of slant drilling near abandoned wells in the EIR for Whittier Hills. (see video below) There is little chance that E&B will acknowledge the abandoned wells in Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach or Manhattan Beach either.  Experts in the oil industry say the integrity of these capped or plugged wells under homes can only be trusted for around 30 years.  Many of these wells were capped 40+ years ago.  There is no way for E&B to mitigate the risk of an abandoned well blowout under a home, in the ocean or near a school. This is a massive issue for South Bay and urge you to watch this video and send it to your friends.  

This 1 of the 6 "Myths of the Whittier Hills Main Field Oil Project". . The Video Comments presented to the Whittier City Council Meeting by Open Space Legal Defense Fund. The EIR was done by Marine Research which failed to address these problems.  Marine Research is also doing the EIR for Hermosa Beach.

Read this news article: Whittier Hills oil project stopped by a Superior Court Judge last week. You won't read in the article but the Marine Research EIR failed in court say my sources in Whittier Hills.
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