Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cities That Have Banned Oil & Gas Fracking

Elections & City Council Bans

1)  Longmont, Colorado (Denver / Boulder Suburb) slaps drilling in face, Outspent 30-1 by oil and gas hacks, bans fracking within city limits. Not even close. 60%-40%.

2)  Mansfield, Ohio voters adopt Community Charter Amendment That Bans Toxic Injection Wells. Not even close 63%-37% 

3)  Ferguson, Pennsylvania voters approve Clean Air & Water Community Bill of Rights while banning injection wells, fracking & shale gas development.  52%-48%

4)  Not a ban but Carpinteria, California drilling initiative defeated oil drilling in 2010.  Blowout victory 70%-30%.

5)  Wellsburg, West Virginia City Council Banned Fracking

6)  Morgantown, West Virginia banned fracking and forced to zoning by judge ruling 

Read about more State initiatives underway.

I don't think people who have actually lived and own homes in Hermosa Beach, California have any intention of moving backwards to permit a century long ban of drilling in Santa Monica Bay. E&B is simply wasting our value time and City resources which could be better spent elsewhere.

E&B still has the opportunity to pack up their bags and go home to save face. 2014 is a long way away.

Please email any others I may have left off to

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